Reeni Mederos

Go Beyond The Prophetic Realm and Deep Dive Into Your Prophetic Seer Ability To Confidently Navigate The Realms of the Kingdom And The Courts of Heaven. Build Confidence & Clarity in Your Kingdom Sonship, Calling & Walk with God for Supernatural Growth in Your Personal Life, Ministry or Kingdom Business as a Kingdom Ruler in Every Area of Your Life. Get Unlimited Access To Reeni's Ever Growing Video Library of Powerful Mentoring Webinars, Training Videos & Bi-Weekly Live Mastermind Sessions with Q&A to Help You Get Unstuck And Propell You Into Regular Breakthroughs For Continual Kingdom Transformation. 

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  • Live Webinars

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  • Lesson Activations

    Practical Lesson activations to engage you in the realms of the kingdom with precision & practice to draw out your confidence and clarity as you navigate the realms of the kingdom. 

  • Bi-Weekly


    Sessions Via Zoom

    Engage in bi-weekly live group Mini-mastermind mentoring zoom virtual meetings with Reeni Mederos that are collaborative and problem solving sessions for spiritual growth, ministry and business mind-mapping for success and reaching short term to long term goals as we help you identify and overcome obstacles that prevent you from fulfilling your destiny.  Q&A and live interaction with success map demonstrations and feedback with divine wisdom from the mysteries of God's heart.. Recordings are always posted for your convenience should you ever miss a live session.This alone is worth the entire program!

  • Mobile Friendly

    You can also access your class portal and video lessons on most mobile devices.

Mystērion Testimonies

Hear What Others Are Saying


"I can't even express the amazement at the class I signed up for by Reeni Mederos. Talk about a treasure trove of revelation! You have unlimited access to mind-blowing revelation."

Bernadette Elder

Mystērion Academy Student - Florida

"Oh wow, I really enjoy my webinars because it just adds to what I have been experiencing within sitting at the feet of Jesus Christ, and actually dancing on the sea of glass right by the throne of the Lord."

Sheridan Gay

Mystērion Academy Student - Texas

"Reeni is indeed a well seasoned Psalmist, intercessor, teacher and highly anointed. She is well versed in the Scriptures, moves with revelation and the love of Christ streams like rivers from her."

Apostle Mike Lee

Mystērion Academy Student - UK London

"Thank You so much Reeni, I have been calling on the Angels (for some time now) and I have seen some answers, but this is more in depth and the Lord knew I needed this and more. In "AWE" in Him, can not believe what we have missed in our lives. Thank you again for answering your call!"

Valerie Sweeney

Mystērion Academy Student

Here are a few answers to our most common questions

How long is the program?

What does "mysterion" mean?

What is a mastermind and how will it benefit me?

Mystērion Premium Mentoring & Kingdom Coaching with Reeni Mederos